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Zoe Legacy Foundation

At the Zoe Legacy Foundation, our unwavering commitment is to create a transformative impact on communities by fostering sustainable upliftment and empowerment. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to igniting positive change and catalyzing growth within underserved neighbourhoods.

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Empowering Communities for Lasting Upliftment

Our vision is rooted in the belief that every individual possesses the potential for greatness, regardless of their background or circumstances. We channel our efforts into building a legacy of hope, resilience, and progress, one community at a time.


Through a combination of strategic initiatives, collaborative partnerships, and innovative programs, we strive to tackle the multifaceted challenges faced by the communities we serve. Our approach goes beyond short-term fixes, as we aim to establish enduring solutions that bring about lasting change.

Zoe Legacy Foundation.


Education Empowerment

Economic Empowerment

Health and Well-being

Community Engagement

Environmental Stewardship

We believe education is a powerful tool for personal and societal transformation. Through scholarships, after-school programs, and skill-building workshops, we equip individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to pursue their aspirations and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

We recognize that well-being is essential for personal growth. Our health initiatives encompass access to healthcare services, mental health support, and wellness education. By promoting holistic well-being, we pave the way for individuals to lead fulfilling lives.

We are dedicated to preserving and enhancing the environment within our communities. Through initiatives like clean-up campaigns, tree planting, and sustainable practices, we ensure that our neighbourhoods are not only thriving economically but also environmentally.

Our foundation is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty. By supporting local entrepreneurs, offering job training, and fostering small business growth, we create opportunities for economic self-sufficiency, enabling individuals to improve their quality of life.

Building strong, connected communities is at the heart of our mission. We facilitate community events, workshops, and forums that encourage collaboration, dialogue, and unity. These platforms foster a sense of belonging and enable residents to collectively address challenges.

Zoe Legacy Foundation

​The Zoe Legacy Foundation is fueled by the passion and dedication of our volunteers, supporters, and partners. Together, we forge a legacy of positive change that extends far beyond the present, uplifting generations to come. Join us in creating a brighter future, one community at a time.

Blue Skies

Apply to Volunteer

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

In accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act (or POPI Act), Zoe Communiy Church takes your rights to privacy seriously. Your personal information will be used for internal purposes only for the purpose of communication that you initiated via the above. Any information that you may give to us, including any personal information, will be stored on a secure server of an independent service provider. Zoe Community Church will at all times provide you with access to your own information as well as the right to have your data removed and/or destroyed should you so wish to do so.

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch.

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